Welcome to Stress Talk!

I would like to thank you for being here and I hope that the articles you will read on this page will give you more information and inspiration for your mental health. 

The articles posted on this page cover various topics in Psychology and more articles are added every month. Would you like to learn more information about relationships, stressors, grief, burnout and so on? Or would you prefer some more practical tips and advice on how to take care of your mental health? Maybe you want both! In any case this blog’s articles cover both categories.

The content of this platform is made with 3 very important goals in mind: 

  1. To make mental health accessible to more and more people
  2. To spread the word that mental health is as important as physical health
  3. To educate people on how they can listen, understand and address their mental health needs 

In order to fulfil these goals, a lot of hours of literature research, proofreading and erasing-rewriting have been spent to create the content on this platform. 

Therefore, I would like to welcome you once more on this blog. I am very happy that you are here making the first step towards better mental health and I promise I will do my best to support you through your journey. 

Written with love,


PS. If you have any ideas for potential useful articles, feel free to contact me and share!